Friday, 20 November 2015


An outbreak of maternal sepsis.

One week  ago, JL, a 26yr old patient delivered (normal, vaginal delivery) a healthy female child in our hospital. She was discharged to her village the day after delivery.  Three days later a health worker came to the hospital reporting  that JL was very ill, with high fever and abdominal pain.  The baby was well.  We arranged for JL to be brought urgently back to the hospital. She was admitted into a single room in the maternity department.

a. What do you think are possible diagnoses?
b.  What specimens would you take for the microbiology and haematology labs?


The patient had a fever of  40'C,  a low blood pressure, severe abdominal pain,  and an odourless vaginal discharge.

While the patient was being admitted, two things happened rather quickly: a health worker from another village came in a hurry to the hospital and said a woman BS who had delivered in the hospital five days ago was very ill, with symptoms sounding similar to those of JL. Also, a nurse in the maternity ward reported that a mother AK who had delivered two days ago, had spiked a temperature of 39'C,  and had abdominal pain.

c. What do you think is going on?
d. Should someone assess the baby of JL and the other patient in the village?


The following specimens were taken on patient JL:
Blood sample for Hb and blood count
A urine specimen for culture and sensitivity
Blood sample for blood culture and sensitivity
Vaginal discharge sample for culture and sensitivity

Vaginal discharge samples were also taken from patients BS and AK.


1. Hb 9.6 g/dl. White cell count 22,000, 90% polymorphs.

2. The findings in the microbiology lab are shown below:

Microscopy of the vaginal discharge:                     Culture appearance of vaginal discharge               
(Gram stain)                                                                         on blood agar

e. Describe the Gram stain and the culture appearances
f. What is the possible bacteria causing the discharge, and the infection?

There are three patients with the same infection, all apparently originating from the maternity unit. This suggests a small outbreak, and cross infection.  As well as diagnosing the individual patients, we need to investigate the outbreak, and hopefully stop further infections.


(Remember Semmelweis, 1847. ..Google this if you are not sure).

While post partum sepsis may arise from bacteria the mother was carrying, as there are three linked cases, it suggests infection is being transmitted between patients, or from a common source; how might this happen?

We need to look at the practices and other factors associated with the maternity ward.  These are some of the questions to ask:
1. Is common equipment used between patients, eg a speculum?, how is it cleaned between patients?
2. Were the three cases in the ward at the same time.
3. Do delivery nurses/midwives wear gloves for examinations and deliveries? are these gloves changed between patients?
4. Are the hand washing facilities on the ward adequate? are water and soap always available?
5. Is the general hygiene of the ward (floors, bed sheets, patient washing etc) adequate.

 a. All three mothers had been in the same ward for at least one day together, JL and BS post delivery, and AK the day before delivery
b. Nurses were certain that they changed gloves between patients, but observation showed that when the ward was very busy and several mothers ready to deliver at the same time, this did not always happen
c. There were only three specula on the unit, but they seemed to be cleaned appropriately between patient use
d. The general hygiene on the ward seemed to be adequate although resources were limited.
e. Although there were sinks and soap , hand washing practices could have been improved:


The cause of the infections was Streptococcus pyogenes, Group A Strep.
This is a Gram positive coccus, appearing in chains, and producing beta (clear) haemolysis on culture on blood agar.
Fortunately Gp A streps remain sensitive to penicillin.

It is probable that one patient was colonised vaginally with Gp A strep, and this was transmitted to the other two patients by the unchanged gloves of one of the staff.


a. Maternal (puerperal) sepsis is not uncommon in low resource areas, is potentially fatal, but can respond to penicillin if treated early
b. While the lab diagnosis was not essential for managing the individual  patients (though it did confirm the diagnosis), it was essential to show that cross infection had occurred.
c. In district hospitals in 2015, wherever they are located, microbiology labs should be able to do culture and sensitivity
d. If there appears to be a cluster of infections, or an outbreak, some basic epidemiology related questions must be asked: who is affected, where were they, when did they become ill, what factors may have caused transmission, are basic infection control measures adequate?
e. Based on the above, changes must be implemented to improve infection prevention and control

Link to Tropical Microbiology Laboratory website for more details on lab methods:

Further reading on maternal sepsis:

1. Maternal and early onset neonatal bacterial sepsis: burden and
strategies for prevention in sub-Saharan Africa.

Lancet infectious diseases 2009; 9: 428-438.

2. Microbial profile in women with puerperal sepsis in Gadarif State, Eastern Sudan
   Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 2013;6: 460-464.

1 comment:

  1. From Modhupur health centre programme. We have had two cases of maternal sepsis this week, one was a GpB strep, and one an MRSA. Its useful to share information like this. How about setting up a forum.
