Multi Drug Resistant
Tuberculosis: Creating maps to help the control programme.
During the last month, there were 30 new cases of TB
diagnosed (by ZN microscopy) in the laboratory. The samples were from three
health centre in Zura district. 10 of the samples were sent to the national TB
laboratory for sensitivity testing, and of these, six were MDRTB. Four were
from one HC and two from an adjacent HC area. Three months earlier, there had
been four cases of MDRTB from one of these areas.
Although TB is endemic in our area (despite the national TB
programme), these were the first cases of MDRTB that had occurred. We thought
it was time to get a clearer understanding of the pattern of TB in the
district, and to look back on all the cases we had had over the last year. We
hoped that this may help to improve control locally, and ensure that best use
was being made of the laboratory for TB in the community, as well as for
individual new cases.
Our plan was to do two things:
a): on a spreadsheet eg Excel, list all the cases, with date
of diagnosis, age, village, local HC, if they were MDRTB, if after 4 months
they were still taking regular treatment.
b): put the information on a map, so that possible links
between cases could be seen, possible clusters
of MDRTB identified, and village health workers could easily see the location
of cases in their areas.
For mapping, there are several possibilities. If your region has access to the WHO
Healthmapper for your country, this may be the best system to use, but
availability and permission for you to make local maps would depend on the MoH.
Free software such as EPI-Map (from the CDC website) is useful, but not
particularly flexible for unskilled users. Professional mapping systems such as
ARC-Info make the most sophisticated maps, but are expensive and complicated.
If your hospital/lab has internet access, then Google maps
provides a useful and simple way of creating maps for local health programmes.
You need to have a Google account (eg Gmail). Creating your own maps in Google maps requires
some persistence and trial and error, but once you are used to it, they are
easy to create.
Examples of maps we created and used are shown below:
The view above shows the boundaries of the sub-districts,
the location of the health centres, and the location of each of the TB cases,
and whether or not they are MDRTB.
The second view (below) is in "satellite" mode,
and zoomed in to show the detailed location of cases in their village areas.
Such a view can help very much in seeing links between cases, and in contact
The third view(below) again shows the location of individual
cases, and in addition the data table that is automatically created in Google
maps as each new point is added. It also shows the pop-up box for a case that
is highlighted, so that the details on each case can easily be seen.
A Google map is an online map, not a static map on your
computer. This means several things:
- You can share the map in real time with others on the internet to whom you have given the link (eg the district TB office, health workers if they have internet access on computer or smart phone, other hospitals if there are cases between districts),
- The map can be updated each time there is a new case, without having to create a new map
- You can zoom in and out of the map, to see the overall cases or concentrate on one area to see case location, and you can alternate between map and satellite view
- The map can be printed off, so that health centres without internet access can have a weekly updated map supplied
In our programme, we used the maps we created for the
following ways to assist the TB control programme.
1. Looking at the overall geographical spread of TB cases in
the project area to see if there are particular areas of clusters/high
2. To look at the location of MDRTB cases. Are they sporadic or are they in clusters. Do
they occur mainly in one area of the project? (eg a village where many men go
as migrant workers to an industrial area).
3. Contact tracing. We can draw a eg 500m zone around a new
case, on satellite view zoom in and see actual houses nearby, and arrange and
mark off contact tracing.
4. As soon as a new case is diagnosed in the lab, it can be
added to the map, and immediately seen by any health worker accessing the map.
It can be colour coded according to normal case or MDRTB. With the "pop
up" box for the new case, details such as age, village, date of diagnosis
can readily be seen.
5. The case load for each HCW can easily be seen from the
number of cases in their block.
6. The data table
generated in the map as each new case is added can easily be visualised to show
the cases in tabular form.
7. Weekly or monthly maps, using whichever view required,
can be printed off for hard copy reports, or distributed to HC's without
computers/internet access.
8. Maps can be saved to a file on the computer.
We have found that using such a web based and shared map
helps us to be more aware of the pattern of TB cases, and helps in the day to
day running of the programme.
Further reading on disease mapping:
1. Identification of malaria hotspots in a tribal area of India. Int J Health Geog,2009;8 (This is rather complicated, but similar work could be done with Google maps).
2. Mapping TB in Malawi. Malawi Med J 2005;17:33-35.
Two other useful sites for disease outbreak maps and lists are:
Further reading on disease mapping:
1. Identification of malaria hotspots in a tribal area of India. Int J Health Geog,2009;8 (This is rather complicated, but similar work could be done with Google maps).
2. Mapping TB in Malawi. Malawi Med J 2005;17:33-35.
Two other useful sites for disease outbreak maps and lists are:
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